RISING MOVED! We're now located at 800 Jackson in the up and coming convention center area. We are temporarily located on the first floor of the Office Equipment Company building as we have the basement built out for our final destination. We are open and will present shows in the temporary space. RISING represents artists from across the country but maintains a great selection of local Dallas area artists.
Jamie Arendt, 214.634.6262 or
Bryan Wetz, 214.215.1771
RISING…a gallery Features “Soon Again”
Dallas, November 14, 2009 — RISING…a gallery announces its next solo exhibition "Soon Again" featuring artist Benjamin Pierce. The opening reception is November 14, 2009,
Growing up in
There is no doubt that we are currently living in a world and economy full of uneasiness. These circumstances can often lead to one’s life being strained of encouragement and fascination. Using acrylic and mixed media on wood canvas Pierce’s work brings about a new lyrical world of bright color and playfulness through his innocent distortion of forms. His motto: “we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams”, certainly shines through his work, which often incorporates references to musical imagery.
RISING…a gallery is located at