Stop by and view COMMUNITY, on display through October 2, 2010. We had a great turnout for the opening reception event!
JIM HASTINGS is a local artist who has exhibited his work in a variety of venues over the past eleven years. Hastings' work explores relationships - husbands and wives, children and parents, teachers and students, caregivers and the children over whom they watch - the building blocks of community. Hastings incorporates a personal lexicon of symbolism to illustrate the dynamics of people's social interactions with one another at their most instinctual level; conveying love, violence, joy, tragedy, immaturity, and wisdom.

JOHN SKIBO is a Brooklyn-based artist making his Dallas debut here at Rising Gallery. Skibo's series "Change of Context" revolves around the ways in which modern-day organization of housing affects community. When creating his paintings, Skibo reflects on the process of change within an environment, of how environment is recontextualized through building or demolishing structures and how these constant changes to landscape affect community and one's ability to interact with each other in a meaningful and sustained way.